Over 30 calling features come free with both our home and business phone service.
Keep Your Number
Switch to VoIP Much and keep your existing phone number(s). We will even port your number for free (regular: $15 one-time fee).
Voicemail Enhanced
Allows callers to leave a voicemail message if you have missed or screened their call.
Voicemail Notification
Voicemail waiting (message) light (on equiped phones) and heart beat dialtone to indicate message(s).
Call Waiting
On the phone and expecting a call, don't worry with Call Waiting.
Call Forward Busy
Allows you to forward incoming calls, when your line is busy, to any number you choose.
Call Forward No Answer
Allows you to forward incoming calls, when you do not answer the phone, to any number you choose.
Call Forward All
Allows you to forward all incoming calls to any number you choose.
Call Hold
Place a call on hold and resume it a short while later.
Inbound and outbound calls automatically receive instrumental music while on hold.
Business phone customers can provide a custom on hold greeting for their inbound calls.
Call Screen
Hear who is calling before you answer the phone.
Call Blacklist
This security feature enables users to avoid phone calls from someone you just don't want to hear from.
Do Not Disturb
Need a few moments to yourself... activate Do Not Disturb and send calls directly to voicemail.
Outgoing International Call Block
Don't want to run the risk of international call charges showing up on your phone bill? No problem... just let us know, and we will enable International Call Block on your line (
Contact Us for more details).
Outgoing High-Rate Call Block
Long distance rates to some regions are extremely high. For your peace of mind, we automatically block high-rate areas. These are areas that typically incure per minute charges exceeding $0.20 /minute. If for any reason you need these enabled, just let us know and we will disable High-Rate Call Block on your line (
Contact Us for more details).
VoIP Fail™
VoIP Fail™ detects when your ATA device is offline (ie: due to an internet outage or power failure) and then automatically forwards your incoming calls to a designated number (ie: mobile phone).
Speed Dial
Program frequently dialed numbers, so they are quickly accessed with just a couple of buttons.
Follow Me
We will automatically try each number you defined in your Follow Me list until we reach you. If all attempts to find you fail, the call is then directed to your voicemail.
Reach VoIP Much Customer Care, anytime 24/7/365 from your VoIP Much phone line (also reachable by dialing 0).
Calls to 3-1-1 (non-emergency government), 5-1-1 (province weather/traveler information), 8-1-1 (non-urgent health) services and 3-1-0 (Canada 310 service).
Enhanced 9-1-1, also known as E9-1-1. It works similar to regular 9-1-1 with an added safety feature of automatically sending vital information such as your name, address and the geographical location (even if you are unable to speak).
Don't forget to update your address if you move or travel with your VoIP device.
User Webportal
Control your phone features from the online User Webportal.
Knowledge Base
Looking for feature codes or voicemail instructions?
When you see this icon on our site, click for instant Knowledge Base assistance.